Comics en 2019

Momentos selectos de una vida en los comics.

Círculos viciosos

El comic comercial contemporáneo es víctima de comportamientos nocivos que saturan de inventario sin valor a los detallistas, persiguiendo el volumen de ventas por encima de la calidad del producto final y abogando al completismo empedernido de la vieja guardia para la subsistencia en el corto plazo. La economía de las tiendas especializadas se ve amenazado constantemente, poniéndolas en peligro de extinción.

“When Marvel talks about comic book sales numbers, they refer to copies of comics sold to retailers, and the House of Ideas has spent the last two decades embracing ways to increase those without actually increasing readership, often relying on gimmicks like number one issue relaunches, loot crate giveaways, super-mega-crossover event tie-ins, and incentive variant covers to convince retailers to order more copies of comics than they can actually sell, often resulting in comics sitting unsold on shelves while retailers make their money back by selling the rare variants for higher profits. It looks good on Marvel’s bottom line, but if the comics don’t actually end up in the hands of actual readers, what purpose do they serve?”
— Rich Johnston.


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