— figuras folclóricas de discusión pública; my own personal canon
Alan Moore fue un parteaguas para la eventual proliferación de comics para un público adulto.
Alan Moore polariza opiniones.
Alan Moore ha desdeñado al arte secuencial, y sin embargo su influencia sobre ella es imposible de cuantificar.
Alan Moore antagoniza con la audiencia tradicional, la contemporánea y con colegas dentro del medio.
Alan Moore es venerado, temido y odiado por la industria del comic.
Alan Moore es la proverbial Ave de las Tempestades.
Cómo no poder adorarlo, cómo no poder desdeñarlo, cómo no querer descifrarlo. Abandonad toda esperanza…
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“He won 25 years ago when he became the brand.
No matter what’s happened to the comics industry in that time, however it’s changed and however it’s stayed the same, the reversal has taken place in the minds of the audience. The creators have become more important than the characters. The people who read comics then and are confused about what comics are any good now know what brand to look for and it’s not DC.
Alan Moore sells comics whether they’re superhero or pulp hero, pornographic or rambling guides to magic, cop soap operas or Victorian serial killers. He’s taken his audience with him.
And that creator-led approach, following the guys who come up with the stories rather than the guys who own the copyright, has become the norm.”
— Tom Whiteley.